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Conditions générales pour les partenaires affiliésTerms and Conditions for Affiliate Partners
General Conditions: Actuellement, uniquement en anglais
- Commission: Our affiliate partners receive a commission of 10% for each successful sale generated by a customer referred by them and paid by the customer.
- Promotion periods: In certain promotion periods, the commission for affiliate partners can be reduced to 5% or by agreement. The commission level here then depends on the level of the discount promotion.
- Payments: Commissions are paid out semi-annually, provided the affiliate partner has reached a minimum amount of 50 euros. If this amount is not reached, the commissions are carried over to the following payment period.
- Sales tracking: Sales tracking is done via a unique affiliate link that the affiliate partner must use in their marketing materials.
- Abuse: Any abuse of the affiliate programme or fraud will not be tolerated and may result in termination of the partnership.
- Vertragslaufzeit: Die Vertragslaufzeit für Affiliate-Partner beträgt ein Jahr und kann danach verlängert werden.
- Contract Period: The contract period for Affiliate Partners is one year and may be renewed thereafter.

Mit der Teilnahme am Affiliate-Programm stimmt der Partner diesen Geschäftsbedingungen zu.