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Here, everything revolves around the topic of grow systems and their use.

We are excited about the possibilities that modern technology and innovative ideas offer to grow successfully and efficiently. From tips and tricks for optimizing your equipment to new products and trends, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the topic here. Follow our articles and learn from experienced experts how to improve your harvest and optimize your grow production. Be part of our growing Fridge Grow family and discover the many possibilities in Fridge & Flexo Grow!

VPD Werte in der Pflanzenaufzucht, Gewächshaus und Indoor Farming, Growbox

VPD values and plant breeding: How to create optimal conditions for healthy plants

Reading time: approx. 8 min Introduction Growing plants, whether in the garden or in the greenhouse, requires a deep understanding of the factors that influence plant growth and health. One of the crucial variables that gardeners and plant growers should consider is the VPD (Vapor Pressure Deficit) value. In this blog post we will look…

Stromkosten einer Growbox

Power costs of a growbox

When it comes to growing plants, there are many ways you can do it. One of them is to use a growbox. A growbox is a closed system in which plants can grow under controlled conditions. Although there are many advantages, growing plants in a growbox can also have one disadvantage: high electricity costs.

Flexo Grow Controller Indoor Growing

Monitoring im Indoor-Farming: Ein lustiger Blick auf das Überwachen deiner Pflanzen

Wusstest du, dass das Überwachen deiner Pflanzen genau so aufregend sein kann wie das Beobachten einer spannenden TV-Show?

Fridge Grow System für Growbox und Growzelt

Closed Growing Systems: Where plants and technology meet

But do you know what a closed grow system really is? Here you can find out in detail how an automatic grow box from Fridge Grow works and its advantages. If you are interested in growing plants, you may have heard of closed grow systems. These systems are ideal for those who want to grow…

Growset selbst zusammen bauen

Growbox für Anfänger

Du bist neu im spannenden Indoor-Garten-Bereich und möchtest eine Lösung die sich gut eignet?

Perfekt, hier erläutern wir die unterschiedlichen Möglichkeiten und Entscheidungsgrundlagen für den perfekte Heimgarten. Eine Growbox ist im Regelfall ein Indoor-Garten für die Kultivierung von Pflanzen. Hier gibt es diverse Modelle, Arten und dahinterliegende Prozesse.

Fridge Grow Komplettset LED zum selber bauen

Was sind geschlossene Grow Systeme?

Als geschlossen oder auch „closed-loop“ bezeichnet man im Indoor-Farming jene Systeme, bei welchen kein Luftaustausch mit der Umgebung stattfindet. Diese sind daher weitestgehend unabhängig vom Aufstellungsraum, sofern diese gut isoliert sind.